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Warrior Trading - Cryptocurrency Trading Course


If you day trade from a desktop computer, you may be able to take a position in the cryptosphere easier than you might think. What I mean by this is you may be sitting on a perfectly capable mining machine with potential of making anywhere from $50 to $200 a month, mining cryptocurrencies. I purchased my computer from amazon 18 months ago; it is just a simple pre-built gaming computer that I paid $750 for and it even came with a keyboard, mouse, and USB Wi-Fi adapter. When I first heard about crypto I was very curious how I could get involved with out having to spend $5000 on an Asics miner or spend $2500 on a dedicating mining computer also known as a rig. I figured I only use the computer for 4-8 hours of the day and the rest of the time is just sits there. Why not make money from it while it anxiously awaits the next trading day. Once set up, it is easy to turn your miner on and off whenever you please. I originally started turning the mining off while day trading, but now I just keep it on 24/7. From my $750 computer I bought from amazon, I am now making around $80 a month from mining. My computer has paid for itself just from day trading and now again by mining. This is a no risk way of taking a position in the crypto space. I am mining Ethereum right now because of the card that is in my computer; an RX480, but look forward to expanding my farm with the crypto I am mining. If you want to learn more about mining crypto currencies or turning your day trading computer into a multi-purpose mining rig, subscribe and like for email alerts.


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