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Oliver Velez-New Series-Trade For Life


1️⃣. What is Trade for Life 7-Day Intensive Training Course: The 7-day Intensive course by Velez Capital provides a clear look into day trading. You’ll learn about candlestick patterns, how moving averages work, and how to predict the next moves in the market. It’s a straightforward guide for anyone wanting to get better at short-term trading. 2️⃣. What You Will Learn: The foundational principles behind Pristine Capital Holdings and its rise to prominence. Insights from his best-selling books and trading strategies. The transition from educational leadership to professional trading and the establishment of Velez Capital Management. 3️⃣. Course Curriculum: Oliver Velez 7 Day Training 7 Day Intensive Training Course Trade For Life Introduction to Oliver Velez’s Trading Philosophy: Delve into the mind of a trading maestro and understand the strategies that have made him a household name in the trading community. Pristine Capital Holdings – A Journey: Trace the growth of one of the country’s premier educational institutions for investors. Velez Capital Management – The New Frontier: Explore the nuances of private equity trading with one of the fastest-growing firms in the country. Literary Insights: A deep dive into the teachings from Oliver Velez’s best-selling books, offering strategies and tools for every trader.


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