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Jackpot Strategy


Event-based trading which is also known as Jackpot Trading. Using this trading strategy you can earn good returns in less amount of time using less investment. An event is a thing that happens or takes place, especially one that holds a lot of importance. So for carrying out Event-based Trading, one must predict in advance such an event, after the occurrence of which there will be a huge impact on the share market. Our SEBI Registered Investment Advisor, Mr. Bhuushan Godbole suggests that if we predict in advance the occurrence of any such events or situations that will take place in the country and which will significantly impact the share market, and we invest accordingly in the direction the market is moving in, then we can get good returns by investing during such times. The question here is how can we get good returns? So if we invest well before such an event takes place, by consciously predicting and analyzing the risks and returns and then trade using limited risks; we can gain a good profit.


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