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Akindamola - Forex Eye Trading Course


Am sure this won’t be the end of it in as much as some dump people still think hunt of new concept is what will make them money Lucky me have been trading all through this years and my key word for you is that For over 3 years that have been consistently trading MY EDGE profitably I have no single reason for me to try to learn any new things cos why would I and for what ? It fine that people discover EDGE and feel the need to teach people so they can benefit but trust me those that have good intentions when it comes to teaching are are few People that I have trained will testify that it the same thing have been teaching for over 3 years of me being profitable. I won’t say because I want to bait you I will now have to introduce one funny strategy and give it a funny name like COUNTER ATTACH STRATEGY just cos I want to sell my course 😂 Most just want to feed on you by selling you those new concept and make it sound like holy grail because they know most of you always think strategy is your problem but in reality it not even upto 40% of your problem as much as FOREX is concerned TRADING doesn’t have to be complicated and if you already have something that is working for you trust me stick to it and make your money with ease and ignore the noice And if you still struggling with your EDGE stay close to it and journal so you can be aware of what need to be adjusted and not jump into new strategies just to start over again


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